Penguins of Madagascar Ask Your Wondrous King (and, you know, the other zoo peoples) Questions!

KingJulienXIII posted on Feb 03, 2013 at 02:47AM
Hello, my peoples! Here is a place where you can be asking me, your king, anything you want! Well, mostly anything. Let us be trying to keep everything kid-friendly, you know. Oh, and you can ask all the other not as important zoo peoples questions too.

Right now the participating zoo peoples are:
Maurice (Maurice75)
Skipper (Skipper_93)
Marlene (Marlene88)
last edited on Feb 16, 2013 at 04:10AM

Penguins of Madagascar 12 replies

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over a year ago Skipper_93 said…
*faceflipper* Ringtail! This is NOT what a forum for ALL of us looks like! Ah well. Can you at least make a list of everyone who's participating in the opening post?
KingJulienXIII commented…
Okay, okay. You are so grumpy! over a year ago
Skipper_93 commented…
That's better. And I am NOT grumpy! over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
^ right, you look nothing like a dwarf with a hat, a big nose, and a beard. DISNEY JOKE!! over a year ago
over a year ago Marlene88 said…
Hey guys! I'm here and ready to rock n' roll!
over a year ago TheRatKing1 said…
problemo....Joey's gone. He won't be back for a while.
Leonardthekoala commented…
Yeah too bad :/ over a year ago
KingJulienXIII commented…
Oh, okay, I am to be updating that. over a year ago
over a year ago Skipper_93 said…
You can almost hear the crickets ... the last time Julien did this I heard there were tons of questions. The people must already know everything there is to know about us. Our intel has been compromised! This must be part of a government conspiracy.
Marlene88 commented…
Government conspiracy? I highly doubt it. over a year ago
Skipper_93 commented…
Well that's just what they WANT you to think, Marlene! If everyone knew it was a conspiracy, it wouldn't be a very good conspiracy, now would it? over a year ago
Marlene88 commented…
OR maybe there isn't a conspiracy. Ever thought of that? over a year ago
over a year ago TheRatKing1 said…
Skipper....what happened in Denmark?
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
We finally get to know! :D over a year ago
Skipper_93 commented…
I believe that's already been revealed to the public, or at least partially revealed. The whole mission is pretty detailed, and mostly classified. What do you want to know specifically? over a year ago
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Marlene, do you ever feel like the odd one out when you're around others and, if yes, how do you handle it?
Marlene88 commented…
Not usually.... Who could feel odd around these guys anyway? I wouldn't call them normal. :P over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
I mean do you feel different from them/others and if so, how do you handle it? over a year ago
Marlene88 commented…
Nope, besides being the only girl sometimes, I don't. And If I ever did, I guess that means I don't have enough confidence in being myself. over a year ago
over a year ago SJF_Penguin2 said…
Julien, how do you get away with wearing a leafy crown all the time? Why doesn't Alice or any of the zoo visitors ever question why you are wearing it and where it came from?
KingJulienXIII commented…
Because I am the king, silly! No one is questioning me. But if I am to be using my brain, I think maybe that the zookeeper peoples think that I was getting it from the peoples who picked me up from the Madagascar. And I do not know what THEY were to be thinking. Maybe they were thinking that a little native boy was making it for me. Who is knowing? over a year ago
Leonardthekoala commented…
Hey that's right, I never wondered why he still wears that fake crown :P Now I know XD over a year ago
over a year ago DaisyGirly said…
Where is Kowalski?!!!
Uh anyway, I have a question for you Skipper:

Did you ever tasted a Winky while Private ISN'T looking?
Skipper_93 commented…
Ha, pretty much EVERY time you want a Winky has to be when Private isn't looking. Yup, I used to have my own stash before they stopped making those sweet gooey treats. over a year ago
over a year ago Leonardthekoala said…
big smile
Ok, I've got a simple question for you Julien :P Are you ever planning to go back to Madagascar in the near future, just like a vacation?
KingJulienXIII commented…
Ooh, a question about my home sweet homeland! I AM to be getting homesick sometimes. Yes, I would very much be loving a trip to Madagascar soon! over a year ago
over a year ago TheRatKing1 said…
for Skipper.......
what's the entire truth about Denmark?
Skipper_93 commented…
Jeez, you humans are the most curious species on the planet. The truth in its entirety would compromise the safety of a lot of penguins. Not to mention get the Danes back on my trail! If I were to write you all a summary of the events minus a few exact details, would that satisfy you? over a year ago
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Marlene, do you sometimes worry you'll be too much of a girly girl than a tomboy or the other way around?
over a year ago _FlippyFrancis_ said…
hi!'s your favorite type of fish, Skipper? mine is cod! :D